Grant Application

    • Women 42 years old or younger.

    • Couples must be Ghanaian citizens residing in Ghana with no criminal record.

    • Cohabiting couples with at least one partner in full-time employment.

    • All provided information is considered in the decision-making process.

  • Eligible Treatments:

    • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) / ICSI

    • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

    • IVF Medication

    • Surrogacy

    Ineligible Costs: Reversing or correcting prior medical treatments.

  • Pre-Application:

    1. Ensure you have all the required information.

    2. Read pre-application questions carefully.

    Application Submission:

    1. Complete all required fields in the online application form.

    2. Applications are reviewed by trustees.

    3. Further information may be requested during the process.

    4. All applicants will be notified of their status via email two weeks after the closing date.

    Documentation Required:

    • A copy of bio-data from a passport or Ghana Card is required for both applicants.

    • Personal statement.

  • Payment: Directly to the chosen fertility clinic after selection by Careborn.

    Usage Time Frame: Must be used within 4 months of approval.

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